Class MarcXmlWriter

  • public class MarcXmlWriter
    extends Object

    Provides a driver for MarcXmlReader to convert MARC records to MARCXML or to a different format using an XSLT stylesheet.

    For usage, run from the command-line with the following command:

    java org.marc4j.util.MarcXmlWriter -usage

    A note about character encodings:
    If no input or output encoding is specified on the command-line the default charset is used. To specify input or output encodings use charset names supported by your Java virtual machine. The following command-line example convert ANSEL to UTF-8:

     java org.marc4j.util.MarcXmlWriter -ie ISO8859_1 -oe UTF8 -convert ANSEL -out output.xml input.mrc
    Note: the Latin-1 encoding (ISO8859_1) is used since ANSEL is not a supported character encoding.

    Check the home page for MARCXML for more information about the MARCXML format.

    Note: this class requires a JAXP compliant XSLT processor.

    Bas Peters
    See Also:
    MarcXmlReader, Converter
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarcXmlWriter

        public MarcXmlWriter()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)

        Provides a static entry point.