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add(String, int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Directory
Adds a new entry to the directory.
add(ControlField) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Adds a new ControlField instance to the collection of variable fields.
add(DataField) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Adds a new DataField instance to the collection of variable fields.
add(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Registers the leader.
add(Record) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
add(Subfield) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
addSubfield(int, Subfield) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Adds a new Subfield instance at the specified position.
addSubfield(Subfield) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Adds a new Subfield instance to the collection of data elements.
AnselToUnicode - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert MARC-8 data to non-precomposed UCS/Unicode.
AnselToUnicode() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode


BLANK - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.MarcConstants


CharacterConverter - Interface in org.marc4j.util
Defines methods for character conversions.
CharacterConverterLoader - Class in org.marc4j.util
Loads a character converter using a system property.
CharacterConverterLoaderException - Exception in org.marc4j.util
A CharacterConverterLoaderException is thrown when an error occurs while loading a character conversion class.
CharacterConverterLoaderException() - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverterLoaderException
Creates a new CharacterConverterLoaderException.
CharacterConverterLoaderException(String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverterLoaderException
Creates a new CharacterConverterLoaderException with the specified message.
CharacterConverterLoaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverterLoaderException
Creates a new CharacterConverterLoaderException with the specified message and an underlying root cause.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
charset - Static variable in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
charsets - Static variable in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
checkDataElement(char) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Verifier
Checks if the data element does not contain control charecters.
checkDataElement(char[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Verifier
Checks if the data element does not contain control charecters.
checkTag(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Verifier
Checks if the tag is a valid tag name.
clearCache() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.Converter
Clears the Templates cache.
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Use copy constructor Record(org.marc4j.marc.Record)
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
clone() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Use copy constructor VariableField(VariableField)
CodeTable - Class in org.marc4j.util
CodeTable defines a data structure to facilitate AnselToUnicode character conversion.
CodeTable(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
CodeTable(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
CodeTable(URI) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
CodeTableHandler - Class in org.marc4j.util
CodeTableHandler is a SAX2 ContentHandler that builds a data structure to facilitate AnselToUnicode character conversion.
CodeTableHandler() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
codeTableHash(Character) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
CodeTableTracker - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to MARC-8.
CodeTableTracker() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
Collection - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Collection defines behaviour for a collection of Record objects.
Collection() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
combining - Static variable in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
combining - Static variable in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Adds a control field to the record object.
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification of a control field.
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports a control field node (001-009).
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports a control field node (001-009).
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
controlField(String, char[], Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
ControlField - Class in org.marc4j.marc
ControlField defines behavior for a control field (tag 001-009).
ControlField() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Default constructor.
ControlField(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Creates a new control field instance and registers the tag and the control field data.
ControlField(String, char[], Long) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Creates a new control field instance and registers the tag and the control field data.
ControlField(String, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Creates a new control field instance and registers the tag and the control field data.
ControlField(String, String, Long) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Creates a new control field instance and registers the tag and the control field data.
ControlField(ControlField) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Copy constructor Copy id attribute, so if you don't want has the same, use ControlField.copy(ControlField).
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode
Converts MARC-8 data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(char[]) - Method in interface org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverter
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.Iso5426ToUnicode
Converts UNIMARC data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.Iso6937ToUnicode
Converts ISO 6937 data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToAnsel
Converts UCS/Unicode data to MARC-8.
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso5426
Converts UCS/Unicode data to UNIMARC (ISO 5426 charset).
convert(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso6937
Converts UCS/Unicode data to ISO 6937.
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode
Converts MARC-8 data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(String) - Method in interface org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverter
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.Iso5426ToUnicode
Converts UNIMARC (ISO 5426 charset) data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.Iso6937ToUnicode
Converts ISO 6937 data to UCS/Unicode.
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToAnsel
Converts UCS/Unicode data to MARC-8.
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso5426
Converts UCS/Unicode data to UNIMARC (ISO 5426 charset).
convert(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso6937
Converts UCS/Unicode data to ISO 6937.
convert(Source, Result) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.Converter
Converts a Source into a Result.
convert(Source, Source, Result) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.Converter
Converts and transforms or transforms and converts a Source into a Result.
Converter - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
Converter can be used to apply a conversion or transformation from a source, populating a result.
Converter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.Converter
Default constructor
copy(ControlField) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Creates a copy of the original instance without copy the id attribute.
copy(DataField) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Creates a copy of the original instance without copy the id attribute.
copy(Record) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Creates a copy of the original instance without copy the id attributes of its ControlField and DataFields instances.
createCharacterConverter(String, String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.CharacterConverterLoader
Returns a new instance for the class defined by the given system property, or default class.
ct - Variable in class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode


DataField - Class in org.marc4j.marc
DataField defines behavior for a data field (tag 010-999).
DataField() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Default constructor.
DataField(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Creates a new DataField instance and registers the tag name.
DataField(String, char, char) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Creates a new DataField and sets the tag name and the first and second indicator.
DataField(String, char, char, Long) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Creates a new DataField and sets the tag name and the first and second indicator, and the id
DataField(DataField) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Copy constructor Copy id attribute, so if you don't want has the same, use DataField.copy(DataField).
DefaultHandler - Class in org.marc4j.helpers
Provides default implementations for the callbacks in the MarcHandler and ErrorHandler interface.
DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
Directory - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Directory is a helper class to build a directory.
Directory() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Directory
Default constructor.
DoctypeDecl - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
DoctypeDecl defines behaviour for a document type declaration.
DoctypeDecl() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Default constructor
DoctypeDecl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Creates a new DocType instance


EMPTY_ID - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Empty value for the field id
EMPTY_LINK_CODE - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Empty value for the link code
endCDATA() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Reports the end of the file.
endCollection() - Method in interface org.marc4j.helpers.RecordHandler
Receives notification at the end of the collection.
endCollection() - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the end of the collection.
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports the closing element for the root, reports the end of the prefix mapping and the end a document.
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports the closing element for the root, reports the end of the prefix mapping and the end a document.
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
endCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Adds a data field to the record object.
endDataField(String) - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the end of each data field
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports the closing element for a data field.
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports the closing element for a data field.
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
endDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
endDTD() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
endEntity(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Reports the end of a record and sets the record object.
endRecord() - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the end of each record.
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports the closing element for a record.
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports the closing element for a record.
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
endRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
equals(Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
equals(Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
equals(Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
ERR_IGNORE - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
ERR_PRINT - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
error(MarcReaderException) - Method in interface org.marc4j.ErrorHandler
Receive notification of an error.
error(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
error(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.ErrorHandlerImpl
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
ErrorHandler - Interface in org.marc4j
Defines Java callbacks to handle exceptions.
ErrorHandlerImpl - Class in org.marc4j.helpers
Implements the ErrorHandler interface to report about warnings and errors that occur during the parsing of a MARC record.
ErrorHandlerImpl() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.helpers.ErrorHandlerImpl
ExtendedFilter - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
ExtendedFilter extends XMLFilterImpl with an implementation of the LexicalHandler interface.
ExtendedFilter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter


FATAL_IGNORE - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
FATAL_PRINT - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
fatalError(MarcReaderException) - Method in interface org.marc4j.ErrorHandler
Receive notification of a fatal error.
fatalError(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
fatalError(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.ErrorHandlerImpl
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
FEATURE - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
find(String, Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a List of VariableField objects with the given tag that have a data element that matches the given regular expression.
find(Collection<String>, Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a List of VariableField objects with the given tags that have a data element that matches the given regular expression.
find(Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Returns true is the supplied regular expression pattern matches the ControlField data; else, false.
find(Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns true if a match is found for the supplied regular expression pattern; else, false.
find(Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a List of VariableField objects that have a data element that matches the given regular expression.
find(Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Returns true is the supplied regular expression pattern matches the Subfield data; else, false.
find(Pattern) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Returns true is the supplied regular expression pattern matches the Variablefield data; else, false.
FT - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.MarcConstants


g - Variable in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
getBaseAddressOfData() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the base address of data (positions 12-16).
getChar(int, int) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
getChar(Character, CodeTableTracker) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
getCharCodingScheme() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the character coding scheme (position 09).
getCharSets() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
getCharSets() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
getCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Gets the Subfield code.
getCombiningChars() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
getCombiningChars() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
getContentHandler() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Returns the content handler.
getControlField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the control field for the given tag.
getControlFieldList() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
getControlFields() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the collection of control fields.
getControlFieldsStream() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the control fields of this record
getControlFieldsStream(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the control fields of this record, that have the indicated tag
getControlFieldsStreamPrefixedBy(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the control fields of this record, that have the indicated tag or are prefixed by a tag value
getControlNumber() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the control number (contents for tag 001).
getControlNumber() - Method in exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Returns the control number (tag 001).
getControlNumberField() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the control number field (tag 001).
getCurrent(byte) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
getData() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Returns the control field data.
getData() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Gets the Subfield data.
getDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
getDataFieldList() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
getDataFields() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the collection of data fields.
getDataFieldsStream() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the data fields of this record
getDataFieldsStream(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the data fields of this record, that have the indicated tag
getDataFieldsStreamPrefixedBy(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the data fields of this record, that have the indicated tag or are prefixed by a tag value
getDTDHandler() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
getEntityResolver() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
getEntryMap() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the entry map (positions 20-23).
getErrorHandler() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
getFeature(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Returns the boolean for the feature with the given name.
getFileName() - Method in exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Returns the file name or null if there is no input file.
getFirstDataField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the first data field for the given tag.
getFirstSubfield(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns the first Subfield with the supplied char code.
getFirstVariableField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the first Variable Field for the given tag.
getHandler() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
Returns the MarcHandler implementation.
getId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
getImplDefined1() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns implementation defined values (positions 07-08).
getImplDefined2() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns implementation defined values (positions 17-19).
getIndicator1() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns the first indicator.
getIndicator2() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns the second indicator.
getIndicatorCount() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the indicator count (positions 10).
getInputStream() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Returns the InputStream object.
getLeader() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the leader.
getLength() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Returns the length of the serialized form of the control field.
getLength() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns the length of the serialized form of the current data field.
getLength() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Directory
Returns the length of the serialized form of the directory.
getLinkCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Gets the Subfield link code.
getMarcReader() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Returns the MarcReader object.
getName() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Returns the name of the root element.
getNext(byte) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
getPosition() - Method in exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Returns the position in the character stream where the exception is thrown.
getPrevious(byte) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Returns the object for the given property.
getPublicId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Returns the public identifier.
getPublicId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Returns the public identifier.
getReader() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Returns the Reader object.
getRecord(int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
Returns the Record object for the given index.
getRecordLength() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the logical record length (positions 00-04).
getRecordStatus() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the record status (positions 05).
getSize() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
Returns the number of records in the collection.
getStream(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ResourcesUtil
Devuelve el stream del recurso dado.
getSubfield(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
getSubfieldCodeLength() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the subfield code length (position 11).
getSubfieldList() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
getSubfields() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns the collection of Subfields
getSubfields(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns a Stream of Subfields with the supplied char code.
getSystemId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Returns the system identifier.
getSystemId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
Returns the system identifier.
getSystemId() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Returns the system identifier.
getTag() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Returns the tag name.
getTypeOfRecord() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns the record type (position 06).
getURL(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ResourcesUtil
Devuelve la URL del recurso dado.
getVariableFieldList() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
getVariableFields() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns the collection of variable fields.
getVariableFieldsStream() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the variable fields of this record
getVariableFieldsStream(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the variable fields of this record, that have the indicated tag
getVariableFieldsStreamPrefixedBy(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a stream of the variable fields of this record, that have the indicated tag or are prefixed by a tag value


hasControlNumberField() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns true if the collection of variable fields contains a control number field.
hashCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
hashCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
hashCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
hashCode() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
hasSubfield(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns true if there is a subfield with the given identifier.
hasVariableField(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns true if there is a variable field with the given tag.


IllegalAddException - Exception in org.marc4j.marc
IllegalAddException is thrown when the addition of the supplied object is illegal.
IllegalAddException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.IllegalAddException
Creates an Exception indicating that the addttion of the supplied object is illegal.
IllegalDataElementException - Exception in org.marc4j.marc
IllegalDataElementException is thrown when a data element contains invalid characters, like a field or record terminator or a delimiter.
IllegalDataElementException() - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.IllegalDataElementException
Creates a new IllegalDataElementException.
IllegalDataElementException(String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.IllegalDataElementException
Creates a new IllegalDataElementException.
IllegalTagException - Exception in org.marc4j.marc
IllegalTagException is thrown when a tag is supplied that is invalid.
IllegalTagException(String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.IllegalTagException
Creates an Exception indicating that the name of the tag is invalid.
IllegalTagException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.IllegalTagException
Creates an Exception indicating that the name of the tag is invalid.
inPreviousCharCodeTable(Character, CodeTableTracker) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
isCombining(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTable
isCombining(Character) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
isControlField(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Tag
Returns true if the tag identifies a control field.
isControlNumberField(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Tag
Returns true if the tag identifies a control number field.
isDataField(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Tag
Returns true if the tag identifies a data field.
Iso5426ToUnicode - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert UNIMARC data to UCS/Unicode.
Iso5426ToUnicode() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.Iso5426ToUnicode
Iso6937ToUnicode - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert ISO 6937 data to UCS/Unicode.
Iso6937ToUnicode() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.Iso6937ToUnicode
isValid(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Tag
Returns true if the given value is a valid tag value.


Leader - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Leader defines behaviour for the record label (record position 00-23).
Leader() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Leader(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Leader(Leader) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Copy constructor
lh - Variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
the lexical handler object
lh - Variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
the lexical handler object
loadedMultibyte - Variable in class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode
loadMultibyte() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.AnselToUnicode
Loads the entire maping (including multibyte characters) from the Library of Congress.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcXmlWriter
Provides a static entry point.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToAnsel
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.XmlMarcWriter
makePreviousCurrent() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
MarcConstants - Class in org.marc4j.marc
MarcConstants defines control characters as used in a record.
MarcException - Exception in org.marc4j.marc
MarcException is thrown when an error occurs while processing a record object.
MarcException() - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.MarcException
Creates a new MarcException.
MarcException(String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.MarcException
Creates a new MarcException with the specified message.
MarcException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.marc.MarcException
Creates a new MarcException with the specified message and an underlying root cause.
MarcHandler - Interface in org.marc4j
Defines Java callbacks to handle a collection of MARC records.
MarcReader - Class in org.marc4j
Parses MARC records and reports events to the MarcHandler and optionally the ErrorHandler.
MarcReader() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.MarcReader
MarcReaderException - Exception in org.marc4j
A MarcReaderException thrown when an error occurs while parsing MARC records.
MarcReaderException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Creates an Exception indicating that an error occured while parsing MARC records.
MarcReaderException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Creates an Exception indicating that an error occured while parsing MARC records.
MarcReaderException(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Creates an Exception indicating that an error occured while parsing MARC records.
MarcReaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.marc4j.MarcReaderException
Creates a new MarcReaderException with the specified message and an underlying root cause.
MarcResult - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
Collects the result of a MARC conversion.
MarcResult() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
MarcResult(MarcHandler) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
Create a new instance and registers the MarcHandler implementation.
MarcSource - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
MarcSource is a MARC input source for non-MARCXML conversions.
MarcSource() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Default constructor
MarcSource(File) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(Reader) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(MarcReader, File) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(MarcReader, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(MarcReader, Reader) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcSource(MarcReader, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Create a new instance.
MarcWriter - Class in org.marc4j.util
Implements the MarcHandler interface to write record objects to tape format (ISO 2709).
MarcWriter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Default constructor.
MarcWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Creates a new instance.
MarcWriter(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Creates a new instance.
MarcWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Creates a new instance and registers the Writer object.
MarcXmlFilter - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
This class has been replaced by MarcXmlReader
MarcXmlFilter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
MarcXmlHandler - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
MarcXmlHandler is a SAX2 ContentHandler that reports events to the MarcHandler interface.
MarcXmlHandler() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
Construct a new default instance of the handler
MarcXmlReader - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
MarcXmlReader is an XMLReader that consumes MarcHandler events and reports events to a SAX2 ContentHandler.
MarcXmlReader() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
MarcXmlWriter - Class in org.marc4j.util
Provides a driver for MarcXmlReader to convert MARC records to MARCXML or to a different format using an XSLT stylesheet.
MarcXmlWriter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.MarcXmlWriter
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Returns a String representation for a control field following the structure of a MARC control field.
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Returns a String representation for a data field following the structure of a MARC data field.
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Directory
Returns a String representation for the directory following the structure of the MARC directory.
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Returns a String representation of the record label following the MARC structure.
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a String representation for a record following the structure of a MARC record (tape format).
marshal() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Returns a String representation for a data element following the structure of a MARC data element.
marshal(Writer) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
Marshals all the records in the collection and writes the tape format records to the Writer object.
marshal(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Returns a String representation for a record following the structure of a MARC record (tape format).


newEmptyLeader() - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
newRecordWithEmptyLeader() - Static method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Builds a instance of Record with an empty Leader
normalizeResourceName(String) - Static method in class org.marc4j.util.ResourcesUtil
Normaliza el nombre de recurso, limpiando separadores "\" y poniendo un / al principio si no lo había.


org.marc4j - package org.marc4j
This package contains an event-based parser to process MARC records.
org.marc4j.helpers - package org.marc4j.helpers
This package contains helper classes.
org.marc4j.marc - package org.marc4j.marc
This package contains a record object model to store and edit MARC records or parts of records as objects.
org.marc4j.marcxml - package org.marc4j.marcxml
This package contains SAX2 event consumers and producers to read and write MARCXML.
org.marc4j.util - package org.marc4j.util
This package contains utilities.


parse(InputStream) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
Sends an input stream to the MARC parser.
parse(InputStreamReader) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
Sends an input stream reader to the MARC parser.
parse(Reader) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
parse(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
Sends a file to the MARC parser.
parse(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Parse input from a system identifier (URI).
parse(InputSource) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Sends the input source to the MarcReader.
parse(InputSource) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Sends the input source to the MarcReader.
printMarcException(String, MarcReaderException) - Static method in class org.marc4j.helpers.ErrorHandlerImpl
printParseException(String, SAXParseException) - Static method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler


rct - Variable in class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToAnsel
record(Record) - Method in interface org.marc4j.helpers.RecordHandler
Receives notification when a record is parsed.
Record - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Record defines behaviour for a record.
Record() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Default constructor.
Record(Leader) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Creates a new instance for a record and sets a leader.
Record(Record) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Copy constructor Copy id attributes of contained ControlField and DataField instances, so if you don't want has the same, use Record.copy(Record).
RecordBuilder - Class in org.marc4j.helpers
Creates record objects from MarcHandler events and reports events to the RecordHandler.
RecordBuilder() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
RecordHandler - Interface in org.marc4j.helpers
Defines a set of Java callbacks to handle Record objects.
removeSubfield(Subfield) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Removes a Subfield from the field.
ResourcesUtil - Class in org.marc4j.util
Utility class to access to resouces files on the classpath
ReverseCodeTable - Class in org.marc4j.util
ReverseCodeTable defines a data structure to facilitate UnicodeToAnsel character conversion.
ReverseCodeTable(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
ReverseCodeTable(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
ReverseCodeTable(URI) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTable
ReverseCodeTableHandler - Class in org.marc4j.util
ReverseCodeTableHandler is a SAX2 ContentHandler that builds a data structure to facilitate UnicodeToAnsel character conversion.
ReverseCodeTableHandler() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
RT - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.MarcConstants


SaxErrorHandler - Class in org.marc4j.marcxml
SaxErrorHandler is a SAX2 ErrorHandler implementation.
SaxErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
SaxErrorHandler(int) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
setBaseAddressOfData(int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the base address of data (positions 12-16).
setCharacterConverter(CharacterConverter) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Sets the character conversion table.
setCharCodingScheme(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the character encoding scheme (position 09).
setCode(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Sets the Subfield code.
setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Sets the content handler.
setControlFieldList(List<ControlField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Use #setControlFields(List)
setControlFields(Collection<ControlField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Sets the collection of control fields.
setCurrent(byte, Integer) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
setData(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Registers the control field data.
setData(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Sets the Subfield data.
setData(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Registers the control field data.
setData(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Sets the Subfield data.
setDataFieldList(List<DataField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Use #setDataFields(List)
setDataFields(Collection<DataField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Sets the collection of data fields.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
Registers the SAX2 Locator object.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
Registers the SAX2 Locator object.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
Registers the SAX2 Locator object.
setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Not supported.
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Not supported.
setEntryMap(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the entry map (positions 20-23).
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
Registers the ErrorHandler implementation.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Not supported.
setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Sets the boolean for the feature with the given name.
setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Sets the boolean for the feature with the given name.
setHandler(MarcHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
Registers the MarcHandler implementation.
setId(Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
setImplDefined1(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers implementation defined values (position 07-08).
setImplDefined2(char[]) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers implementation defined values (positions 17-19).
setIndicator1(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Registers the first indicator value.
setIndicator2(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Registers the second indicator value.
setIndicatorCount(int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the indicator count (position 10).
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the InputStream object.
setLinkCode(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Sets the Subfield link code.
setMarcHandler(MarcHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.MarcReader
Registers the MarcHandler implementation.
setMarcHandler(MarcHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
Registers the MarcHandler object.
setMarcReader(MarcReader) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the MarcReader object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Sets the name of the root element.
setNext(byte, Integer) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
setPrevious(byte, Integer) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableTracker
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
Sets the object for the given property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Sets the object for the given property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Sets the object for the given property.
setPublicId(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Sets the public identifier.
setPublicId(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the public identifier.
setReader(Reader) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the Reader object.
setRecordHandler(RecordHandler) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Registers the RecordHandler object.
setRecordLength(int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the logical record length (positions 00-04).
setRecordStatus(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the record status (position 05).
setSubfieldCodeLength(int) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the subfield code length (position 11).
setSubfieldList(List<Subfield>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
setSubfields(List<Subfield>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Sets the collection of data elements.
setSystemId(File) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the File object.
setSystemId(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.DoctypeDecl
Sets the system identifier.
setSystemId(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcResult
Registers the systemID.
setSystemId(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcSource
Sets the system identifier.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
Registers the tag.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
Registers the tag.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Registers the tag name.
setTypeOfRecord(char) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Registers the type of record (position 06).
setUnicodeToAnsel(boolean) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
setVariableFieldList(List<VariableField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Use #setVariableFields(List)
setVariableFields(Collection<VariableField>) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
Sets the collection of variable fields.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Registers the Writer object.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Registers the Writer object.
setWriter(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
Registers the Writer object.
startCDATA() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Reports the start of the file.
startCollection() - Method in interface org.marc4j.helpers.RecordHandler
Receives notification at the start of the collection.
startCollection() - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the start of the collection.
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Returns the document handler being used, starts the document and reports the root element.
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Returns the document handler being used, starts the document and reports the root element.
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
System exits when the Writer object is null.
startCollection() - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
System exits when the Writer object is null.
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Creates a new data field object.
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the start of each data field.
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports the starting element for a data field (010-999).
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports the starting element for a data field (010-999).
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
startDataField(String, char, char, Long) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.CodeTableHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.ReverseCodeTableHandler
startEntity(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.ExtendedFilter
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Creates a new record object.
startRecord(Leader) - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification at the start of each record.
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports the starting element for a record and the leader node.
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports the starting element for a record and the leader node.
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
startRecord(Leader) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.RecordBuilder
Adds a subfield to the data field.
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in interface org.marc4j.MarcHandler
Receives notification of a data element (subfield).
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlFilter
Reports a subfield node.
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.MarcXmlReader
Reports a subfield node.
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.MarcWriter
subfield(char, char[], String) - Method in class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Subfield - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Subfield defines behaviour for a subfield (a data element within a data field).
Subfield() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Default constructor
Subfield(char, char[]) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Creates a new Subfield instance and registers the data element identifier and the data element.
Subfield(char, char[], String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Creates a new Subfield instance and registers the data element identifier and the data element.
Subfield(char, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Creates a new Subfield instance and registers the data element identifier and the data element.
Subfield(char, String, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Creates a new Subfield instance and registers the data element identifier and the data element.
Subfield(Subfield) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield
Copy constructor


Tag - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Tag defines behaviour for a MARC tag.
Tag() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.Tag
TaggedWriter - Class in org.marc4j.util
Implements the MarcHandler interface to write MARC data in tagged display format.
TaggedWriter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Default constructor.
TaggedWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Creates a new instance.
TaggedWriter(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Creates a new instance.
TaggedWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.TaggedWriter
Creates a new instance and registers the Writer object.
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Collection
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.ControlField
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.DataField
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Record
toString() - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Subfield


UnicodeToAnsel - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to MARC-8.
UnicodeToAnsel() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToAnsel
UnicodeToIso5426 - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to UNIMARC (ISO 5426 charset).
UnicodeToIso5426() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso5426
UnicodeToIso6937 - Class in org.marc4j.util
A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to ISO 6937.
UnicodeToIso6937() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.UnicodeToIso6937
unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.marc4j.marc.Leader
Creates a leader object from a string object.
US - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marc.MarcConstants


VariableField - Class in org.marc4j.marc
VariableField defines general behaviour for variable fields.
VariableField() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Default constructor.
VariableField(String) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Creates a new VariableField for the supplied tag.
VariableField(VariableField) - Constructor for class org.marc4j.marc.VariableField
Copy constructor.
Verifier - Class in org.marc4j.marc
Verifier checks tags and data elements.


WARN_PRINT - Static variable in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler
warning(MarcReaderException) - Method in interface org.marc4j.ErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.DefaultHandler
warning(MarcReaderException) - Method in class org.marc4j.helpers.ErrorHandlerImpl
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.marc4j.marcxml.SaxErrorHandler


XmlMarcWriter - Class in org.marc4j.util
Provides a driver for MarcXmlHandler to convert MARCXML to MARC tape format (ISO 2709) either by providing a MARCXML document or by pre-processing a different XML format by using an XSLT stylesheet that outputs a well-formed MARCXML document.
XmlMarcWriter() - Constructor for class org.marc4j.util.XmlMarcWriter
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